Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Find the College Humor Poster You Need at The Bazaar

Laughter can be contagious in a grand scale. It’s a feel-good injection that will put a person’s mind and spirit in good shape. No wonder a lot of jokes are sent and exchanged everyday either through text, tweet, or personal message. This is the reason why CollegeHumor, an online entertainment company, put up an online comedy website designed to create original comedic contents. 

Recently, CollegeHumor has made its prints available online through DesignTAXI's marketplace The Bazaar.  Posters available on the store features original satirical comics created by the CollegeHumor staff. These are available for order and can be shipped to over 266 countries. If you want to make a friend laugh, this is the perfect place to look for hilarious posters.  
Here are examples of the posters available at The Bazaar:

1 comment:

  1. That was good laugh. The first one is very funny. Thanks for sharing. I actually visisted the sites and was surprised aat how much they are, $20.That'sso low for such amazing pieces. There was also one thing about the internet.
